Architecturally and with the many stained-glass windows, this natural sandstone 1882 Church is one of my favorites in KZN. The ambiance from the natural light seeping through the windows gives the interior a special peaceful aura. I was grateful for Fr, Madoda Khumalo for giving me access to the Church and graveyard. The graveyard is fenced to prevent vandals easily entering the property. See the full album in Gallery under Churches, Missions and Monasteries.

The 1882 sandstone church.

The stained-glass window above the entrance

The stained-glass windows above the altar.

The gentle ambient light exposing the nave.

WWI Commemoration set into the stained-glass windows above the altar.

” In memory of Christs Little Ones Sleeping in the Churchyard”

“In memory of the Briggs Family buried in Estcourt”.

In Memory of Naomi and Alfred Harker.