Umhlanga UPL Warehouse, burnt in riots

Umhlanga UPL Warehouse burnt in riots.
The skyline of Cornubia/Umhlanga was changed after the insurrection in July 2021. This episode will remain a blight on the ANC ruling party forever. While local law abiding citizens came out to protect life and property, the Government stood by and allowed about 80 billion rand of damage to be inflicted on businesses, and nearly 400 people lost their lives. Police and Army stood by for days and watched the mayhem. Their only response so far is to prosecute citizens who came out to protect their livelihoods. As of December 2021, the instigators roam free and continue to visit Nkandla .
The above warehouse burnt for about 10 days and polluted the Umhlanga river, lagoon and beaches with the herbicides and pesticides, killing of river flora, fish and the multitudes of small species that inhabit riverine systems.
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