A recent trip to Blood River also took me to a few Boer War era farms.
The first was Thornley Farm behind the Talana Hill which was used as a Boer hospital, HQ, and mortuary during and after the battle of Talana. The homestead and outbuildings are in good shape in private hands. There is also the graves of descendants of the Smith family who first settled the farms.
The second was the farm “Uithoek” which belonged to Kommandant Karel Landman of Blood River (1838) fame. The small original home is in poor shape and the graveyard somewhat neglected. I was however grateful to the owners for access to the site.
The third farm, very close to Uithoek, belonged to Kommandant De Jager and called the Manor house. This was one of the few Boer farms not burnt as it was used as a British billet. The house is well cared for and thanks to Wouter de Wet, (Manager)for being so affable and hospitable. He tells me that there are resident ghosts in the house! Apparently some British soldiers were playing cards and a dispute ended in a fatal shooting. The floor boards were subsequently turned over to hide the blood stains. The farm also has a family related graveyard.